Fancy Fish and Aquascapes

Cryptocoryne Albida costata

Cryptocoryne Albida costata

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Cryptocoryne albida costata is a variety of Cryptocoryne, a genus of aquatic plants commonly used in aquariums. Cryptocoryne albida costata is known for its distinctively textured leaves with ribbed or striated patterns, giving it an attractive appearance in aquarium setups. Like other Cryptocoryne species, it is relatively hardy and adaptable, making it suitable for both beginner and experienced aquarists.

These plants typically prefer moderate to low lighting conditions and thrive in aquariums with stable water parameters. They can be propagated through division, where new plants can be grown from the offshoots produced by the parent plant.

In terms of cost, the price of Cryptocoryne albida costata can vary depending on factors such as its size, health, and availability in the market. It's always a good idea to check with local aquarium stores or online retailers for current pricing information.

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