Fancy Fish and Aquascapes

Cryptocoryne Sri Lanka

Cryptocoryne Sri Lanka

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Cryptocoryne Sri Lanka, also known as Cryptocoryne lucens or Cryptocoryne walkeri var. lutea, is a species of aquatic plant commonly used in aquariums. It is native to Sri Lanka and belongs to the Araceae family.

This species is known for its relatively easy care requirements, making it popular among aquarists, especially those who are new to keeping aquatic plants. Cryptocoryne Sri Lanka typically has long, narrow leaves that range in color from light green to yellowish-green. Under appropriate conditions, it can produce runners and propagate readily, forming dense clusters of plants.

In an aquarium, Cryptocoryne Sri Lanka prefers moderate to low lighting and a nutrient-rich substrate. It can thrive in a wide range of water parameters, although stability is key to its well-being. CO2 supplementation is not always necessary but can promote more vigorous growth and healthier plants.

Like many Cryptocoryne species, Sri Lanka can be sensitive to sudden changes in water parameters or lighting conditions. Once established, however, it tends to be quite hardy. Regular pruning may be necessary to maintain its desired appearance and prevent overcrowding in the aquarium.

Overall, Cryptocoryne Sri Lanka is valued for its aesthetic appeal, ease of care, and ability to add lush greenery to freshwater aquariums.

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