Fancy Fish and Aquascapes

Hygrophila corymbosa compact

Hygrophila corymbosa compact

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Hygrophila corymbosa compacta, also known as Compact Hygrophila or Temple Plant Compact, is a popular aquatic plant in the aquarium hobby. It is a variant of the species Hygrophila corymbosa, which is native to Southeast Asia. Here are some key characteristics and care tips for Hygrophila corymbosa compacta:

  1. Appearance: Hygrophila corymbosa compacta typically has smaller leaves and a more compact growth habit compared to the regular Hygrophila corymbosa. The leaves are lanceolate or ovate in shape and usually have a bright green coloration.

  2. Lighting: Like most aquarium plants, Hygrophila corymbosa compacta requires adequate lighting for photosynthesis. It does well in moderate to high lighting conditions. Providing a full spectrum of light with a duration of 8-10 hours per day is ideal for its growth.

  3. Water Parameters: This plant prefers slightly acidic to neutral water conditions with a pH range of 6.5 to 7.5. It thrives in temperatures between 72°F to 82°F (22°C to 28°C). Additionally, providing a moderate to high level of water circulation in the aquarium is beneficial for nutrient uptake.

  4. Nutrients: Hygrophila corymbosa compacta is a fast-growing plant that benefits from nutrient-rich substrate and regular fertilization. It absorbs nutrients through its roots as well as from the water column. Supplementing with liquid fertilizers or root tabs can help promote healthy growth.

  5. Propagation: Propagating Hygrophila corymbosa compacta is relatively easy. It can be propagated through stem cuttings. Simply cut a healthy stem and replant it into the substrate. Roots will develop from the cuttings, and new shoots will emerge from the nodes.

  6. Maintenance: Regular pruning is essential to maintain the compact shape of this plant. Trim any overgrown or leggy stems to encourage bushier growth. Remove any yellowing or decaying leaves to prevent nutrient deficiencies and algae growth.

  7. Compatibility: Hygrophila corymbosa compacta is a versatile plant that can be used in various aquarium setups, including planted tanks, Dutch-style aquascapes, and even in the background of aquascapes. It provides excellent cover for fish and adds visual interest to the aquarium.

Overall, Hygrophila corymbosa compacta is a beautiful and relatively easy-to-care-for plant that can thrive in a well-maintained aquarium with proper lighting, water parameters, and nutrient supplementation.

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