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Fancy Fish and Aquascapes

Salvinia Cucullata

Salvinia Cucullata

Regular price $10.00 USD
Regular price $12.00 USD Sale price $10.00 USD
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Enhance Your Aquarium's Ecosystem with the Floating Wonder of Salvinia cucullata!

Salvinia cucullata, often celebrated for its unique and ornamental appearance, is a floating fern that creates a lush green carpet on the water's surface. This plant is not only aesthetically pleasing but also serves as an excellent natural water purifier. By absorbing excess nutrients, it helps prevent algae blooms and maintains cleaner, clearer water. Its rapid growth makes it a favorite among aquarists for providing shade and shelter to shy aquatic species and reducing light to control algae in planted tanks. Easy to grow and maintain, Salvinia cucullata is an ideal choice for both novice and experienced aquarists seeking to add a touch of natural beauty and ecological balance to their aquarium setups.

Salvinia cucullata, commonly known as Asian watermoss or hooded salvinia, is a species of floating aquatic fern native to tropical regions of Asia, including countries like India, Bangladesh, and Thailand. Salvinia cucullata is characterized by its distinctive floating leaves, which are arranged in pairs. The upper leaf is green and elliptical in shape, while the lower leaf is submerged and root-like, aiding in buoyancy. These floating ferns are often found in still or slow-moving waters such as ponds, lakes, and sluggish streams.

Salvinia has the potential to become invasive and can rapidly cover water surfaces, leading to ecological issues such as oxygen depletion and hindering the growth of native aquatic plants.

Please dispose of your tank trimmings in a way that will not release it into your native waters. 

Salvinia cucullata Care Guide

Tank Requirements:

  • Lighting: Prefers moderate to high lighting to maintain health and growth.
  • Water Conditions: Thrives in water temperatures between 68-82°F and a pH of 6.5-7.5.
  • Placement: Floats freely on the water surface. Ensure it does not cover the entire surface to allow gas exchange and light penetration for underwater plants.

Growth and Maintenance:

  • Propagation: Salvinia cucullata reproduces quickly by breaking apart and forming new plants. It can rapidly cover the surface of the water.
  • Growth Control: Regularly remove excess plants to prevent overgrowth, which can lead to oxygen depletion in the water.

General Care:

  • Nutrient Absorption: Efficient at absorbing excess nutrients from the water, helping to control algae growth and improve water quality.
  • CO2: Not necessary but can tolerate added CO2 in planted aquariums.
  • Compatibility: Great for community tanks and safe for fish, shrimp, and other aquatic organisms that benefit from the shelter and reduced light.

Health Tips:

  • Monitoring: Watch for color changes or rotting, which could indicate poor health or water conditions.
  • Maintenance: Remove any decaying or unhealthy plants to maintain cleanliness and overall tank health.
  • Surface Agitation: Wet leaves will rot the plant. It grows best in undisturbed waters.

You will receive a 4oz portion size of healthy plants.

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