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Fancy Fish and Aquascapes

"Guppy Grass" Najas guadalupensis

"Guppy Grass" Najas guadalupensis

Regular price $10.00 USD
Regular price $12.00 USD Sale price $10.00 USD
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Guppy grass, also known as Najas grass or Najas guadalupensis, is a popular aquatic plant among aquarium hobbyists. It's valued for its hardiness, ease of care, and ability to provide cover and oxygenation in aquariums. Here's some more information:

  1. Appearance: Guppy grass has long, thin stems with small, serrated leaves arranged in whorls along the stem. It typically has a bright green coloration.

  2. Growth: This plant is known for its rapid growth rate, which makes it an excellent choice for helping to control algae and providing a natural habitat for fish fry and small aquatic creatures.

  3. Care: Guppy grass is relatively undemanding in terms of care. It can thrive in a wide range of water conditions, but it generally prefers moderate to high lighting and nutrient-rich water. It can be grown both submerged and floating.

  4. Propagation: One of the reasons why guppy grass is so popular is its ease of propagation. It reproduces quickly through stem fragments, which means it can quickly spread throughout an aquarium.

  5. Benefits: Aside from its aesthetic appeal, guppy grass offers several benefits to aquarium ecosystems. It helps to oxygenate the water, absorbs excess nutrients, provides hiding places for shy or young fish, and competes with algae for nutrients, thus helping to reduce algae growth.

  6. Compatibility: Guppy grass is compatible with a wide range of fish species, including guppies (hence the name), bettas, tetras, and livebearers. It can also be used in shrimp tanks.

  7. Control: Due to its fast growth rate, guppy grass may require periodic pruning to prevent it from taking over the aquarium. Additionally, it can become invasive in some regions if it escapes into natural waterways, so it's essential to dispose of excess plants responsibly.

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